From the present to the past, see how far we’ve come.
Scroll through to see the major progress we’ve made, for all New Yorkers, throughout recent years. Let’s keep adding to the top of the list.
Espinal calls for every NYC roof to go green. [New York Times]
In response to migrant children’s mental health concerns, Espinal introduces bill that would require mental health services for children with incarcerated parents in NYC. [NY Daily News]
NYC joins campaign to ban plastic straws through Espinal’s legislation. [New York Times]
Mayor Deblasio legalizes Electric Bicycles post-Espinal’s suggestions. [NYC.Gov]
Espinal introduces first bill in the nation to give workers the "Right to Disconnect." [New York Times]
Rolling Stone Magazine releases Documentary on Espinal’s nightlife work. [Rolling Stone]
The New York Yankees and entire MLB announces to extend safety Netting, per Espinal's encouragement. [New York Times]
Espinal is sworn in to his second and final term in the NYC Council.
Espinal is named Time Out NY’s New Yorker of the Year. [Time Out New York]
Demands the MTA continues as 24 hour train service. [AMNY]
Passes Legislation that would require diaper-changing stations in All Gender bathrooms. [Huffington Post]
Espinal passes bill that created NYC’s first website dedicated to Urban Farming. [Metro.Us]
Sponsors and passes bill to prohibit NYC officials from cooperating with ICE. [NY Post]
91 years later, NYC’s antiquated and racist Cabaret Law is repealed through Rafael’s bill. [New York Times]
Passes 1st legislation in the Nation to create an Office of Nightlife and Night Mayor, following in the footsteps of our metropolitan allies in Europe. [Fortune]
Announces new legislation to support and protect urban farming in NYC. [WSJ]
Announces the campaign to repeal NYC’s archaic Cabaret Law and Create the office of Nightlife. [Gothamist]
Joins the Sierra Club and leads campaign to electrify the MTA bus fleet. [Crains New York]
Creates legislation that reduces food waste and feeds hungry New Yorkers. [Huffington Post]
Sponsored and passed the Freelancing isn’t Free Act. [NWU]
Funds the creation of a Pilot Program that transforms school lunch menus to healthy alternatives. [Wellness in the Schools]
Espinal is the only Council Member to fund new heating systems for NYCHA residents. [NY Post]
Created and Passed the City’s most comprehensive community-housing plan in history. [Gotham Gazette]
Became the first and only New York City-elected official to endorse Bernie sanders -- i.e. was “feeling the Bern." [Observer]
Advocated for and passed the first city budget to include funding for Ovarian Cancer Awareness and education. []
Announced and Created the Holocaust Survivors Initiative to help survivors living in poverty. []
Successfully stopped Santa Con from overtaking Bushwick and Williamsburg. [NY Mag]
Sponsored and passed legislation that abolished ICE from NYC’s jails. []